Extend NetSuite with Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotion Spending is often  the second largest expense on a Food & Beverage manufacturer's P&L.

Use the iTPM solution to manage the entire life-cycle of your trade promotions and manufacturer charge-backs, including deal planning, promotional settlements, short-pay and deduction resolution, post-promotion analysis and accruals/budgeting.

iDrop creates searchable data from your deduction invoices when you drop it into NetSuite.
  • Just drop your PDFs into NetSuite.  iDrop uses AI to organize your files and extract the important information from your electronic deduction backup documents.
  • Use iDrop to save time no matter how you manage trade promotions... in Excel, NetSuite, iTPM or other third party TPM solution.
  • iDrop is an easy way to find the PDFs that match your promotion or deduction.